Prof. Filippo Dinacci is a lawyer registered at the Albo degli Avvocati di Roma, with a licence to practise before higher jurisdictions, and full professor of criminal procedural law at the University LUISS Guido Carli of Rome.
With reference to his professional activity, which began in 1983 after winning the recognition of the Golden Toga, he deals exclusively with criminal law, with a prevailing interest in corporate criminal law and, therefore, in tax, banking, bankruptcy and corporate offences
During his professional activity, he has assisted in numerous processes of national and international importance, taking on the defence of important multinationals, companies, banking institutions and personalities of the highest institutional and political level.
It has also been requested, on numerous occasions, the drafting of pro veritate opinions both extrajudicially and in criminal litigation.
Finally, he has been involved in important trials before the sports justice courts.
As far as academic activity is concerned, Prof. Filippo Dinacci is currently a full professor of criminal procedural law at the University LUISS Guido Carli of Rome.
Since 1983, he has carried out scientific research activities at the 2nd University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
In 1990 he obtained his PhD in Criminal Law and Procedure at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
From 1987 to 1990, he edited the "Legislation" column in the legal journal "Criminal Justice".
�From 1995 to 2003, he was a Professor of Criminal Procedural Law in the post-graduate course for the legal professions and in the course related to the Biennial School of Specialization at the 2nd University of Rome "Tor Vergata", where he worked as a researcher until February 2007.
In 2006 he was nominated as a member of the Scientific Secretariat of the Reform Commission of the Code of Criminal Procedure established by decree of the Minister of Justice of 27.7.2006.
He was the holder of the course of "Internal and comparative criminal procedural law" at the Scuola Superiore di Polizia Tributaria della Guardia di Finanza from 2007 to 2017, as well as Lecturer at the Training Courses for Magistrates, organized by the CSM in 2007 and 2008.
He was asked to be part of the editorial staff of the magazine "La Giustizia Penale".
He is co-director of the Scientific Committee of the series of studies "Le ragioni del garantismo", publishing house Dike Giuridica.
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the journal "Archivio Penale", of the Scientific Committee of the series of studies "Questioni nuove di Procedura Penale", of the Reviewers Committee of the journal "Cassazione Penale", of the Teachers' Board of the Doctorate in General Process Theory at the University Lum Jean Monnet of Bari and of the Teachers' Board of the Doctorate in International, internal and comparative Criminal Process Law at the University of Urbino.
In the course of his work, he has published numerous papers of scientific importance.