Criminal litigation
The Dinacci Law Firm provides legal assistance in criminal proceedings, guaranteeing the exercise of the defensive function at every stage, state and level, as well as in the execution proceedings.
The professional experience gained through a defensive activity carried out in important national and international trials has enabled the firm to acquire a targeted specialization in corporate criminal law: corporate, tax, banking and bankruptcy crimes are therefore the elective field in which the assistance offered by Dinacci Law Firm is mainly based.
The other areas of criminal law in which the Dinacci Law Firm is engaged on a daily basis, concern:
- Urban crimes
- Public procurement crimes
- Occupational safety and hygiene crimes
- Crimes against public administration and the administration of justice
- Crimes against public order and public safety
- Environmental crime
- Crimes against public faith
- Crimes against the public economy, industry and trade
- Crimes against public morality
- Crimes against the person
- Crimes against the property
- Petty Offences
- Administrative offences pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/01