Administrative liability of companies ex d. Lgs. 231/01
Dinacci Law Firm, by virtue of its long professional experience, guarantees qualified assistance to legal persons, companies and associations investigated or imputed in criminal proceedings.
In fact, it is well known that Legislative Decree no. 231/01 has introduced into our legal system the liability of entities for administrative offences dependent on a crime: particularly, in the case of offences committed in the interest or to the advantage of the company by persons who hold a top position within the entity or by their direct subordinates, disqualification sanctions are provided potentially suitable to paralyse the company's operations besides the precautionary measures and pecuniary sanctions.
However, the legal entity may be exempted from liability if it proves that, prior to the commission of the offence, it has adopted and effectively implemented organisational and management models capable of preventing offences of the type that occurred or that the same offence was not committed to its advantage.
Over the years, Dinacci Law Firm has distinguished itself in this sector for its professional activity in the interest of important companies and multinationals, concentrated in particular in the so-called "pathological phase", i.e. when the entity is subject to criminal proceedings.
Since the subject is characterized by significant technical implications, Dinacci Law Firm avails itself of the contribution of external professionals who, as technical consultants, contribute to the defensive strategy with the objective of achieving the best result for clients.